What is the purpose of this website?

This website is meant to be a place where someone can "send a message" to a loved one (a man, a woman, a dog, a cat, to whatever you want...) which you cannot reach via common instant messaging client website. ❤️

Since many clients (like WhatsApp, Telegram and so on ...) tend to delete unused accounts, leaving you without any space where you can text them, you can leave a message here for them just to let off your steam.

You can choose if you want your message to be shown pubicly on our website in the future, or not; we do not store any information about where are you from, cookies or something else.

Why "httparadise"?

The HTTP is the protocol commonly used for webpages/media transferring between a server to a client or viceversa.

"HTTP" stands for "Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol" and "Hyper-Text Transfer (to) Paradise" would be the right protocol for this website.

Is this website commercially affiliated to someone?

No, this website will not sell to anyone the data you submit and there's no profit made from this rather than the donation used for the domain/hosting renewal; this website is also not affiliated to any religious entity.